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Say hi to Anu – a hydrogen process engineer!


Meet Anu Dhar, who is helping to bring our green hydrogen plant to life!

With a background in chemical engineering, Anu spent several years working as a process engineer designing a green hydrogen plant in India. “The plant was kilowatt-scale, much smaller than what we’re building, but it gave me an idea of where we are going. It was very exciting to be a part of developing upcoming technologies, so this was something I decided to pursue.”

When she heard about H2 Green Steel’s 700+ megawatt hydrogen plant, she was surprised: “I learned how they are planning a big plant at such an enormous scale, and it was very impressive to think that someone is thinking so big. During Anu’s recruitment process, she found out she was pregnant with her second child. “I was so happy to be having another baby, but I wasn’t sure what the company would say. When they told me I could stay and work from India until the baby was older, I was so surprised and so incredibly grateful. I had not even imagined this was possible.”


Anu and her family moved to Stockholm this past summer, and they are so far happy with their decision. “My eldest daughter, who is turning 3, has already started preschool and is enjoying it totally. The favorite part of living in Sweden is the natural beauty and calmness. Everyone works efficiently but you don’t see a sense of hurriedness.”