Meet Janine Theele – Senior lead project planning
Tell us about your journey to Boden, Janine!
"I’ve seen steel mills come to life before, and it’s extremely rewarding. I’m a steel girl at heart, but it’s a dirty industry. So, starting a green steel plant will be a thousand times better.
I’ve been traveling around quite a bit for large industrial projects, working in both Germany, where I’m from, and the US. I moved from Pittsburgh — the city of steel in the USA — to Boden. I was so impressed by how fast the recruitment process went. It was super smooth. I also got a lot of help getting settled, and the Boden municipality even helped me find an apartment. They are great.
I’m an industrial engineer, and I like the combination of engineering and business administration. Every day here brings a new challenge, but I love it. You need to be passionate about the project. I mean, we’re building the first large-scale green steel plant in the world at incredible speed — something no one else has done before."