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Social media

Community guidelines

Stegra is active on various social media platforms. We are currently active on LinkedIn, Instagram and X. Follow us there! We want our social media channels to be a place for friendly and respectful conversation, and we welcome you to engage in dialogue, ask questions and post your thoughts on different topics. Just keep in mind that we may remove comments, messages and replies that go against our community guidelines.

Please remember to

● Be respectful 

● Stay on topic for the thread 

● Avoid only sharing links, as we are unable to review their content 

● Avoid posting repetitive comments that disrupt discussion 

● Avoid spreading rumors, misleading or false information 

Comments, messages and replies may not contain

● Defamation, personal attacks or insults

● Sexist statements or other forms of harassment, incitement to racial hatred, threats or derogatory generalizations 

● Depictions of violence or pornography 

● Illegal use of copyrighted material, commercial messages, advertising or spam 

If you violate our community guidelines

Stegra reserves the right to remove comments, messages and replies that violate our community guidelines. We may also block or report accounts for repeat or egregious violations.