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Our Boden plantNews

Suppliers & sustainable sourcing

We partner with suppliers who share our commitment to sustainability, quality and ethical business practices. Our procurement process ensures fair competition and strong governance while building a low-carbon supply chain.

Colleagues examining the delivery of parts for the direct reduction reactor at Stegra's construction site in Boden

Stegra's procurement policy

At Stegra, we strive to engage with suppliers and business partners who not only fulfill our business needs but also align with our sustainability goals and our ambition to decarbonize hard-to-abate industries. This means we want to work with likeminded companies, who are CO2-effective and sustainable, in our supply chain. ​

Stegra's procurement policy, processes and supplier selection criteria support this mission – to build the supplier ecosystem required to safely construct and operate our facilities with superior quality while keeping CO2 emissions and costs low.​

Procurement at Stegra incorporates our corporate values by acting ethically in the market. This ensures free and fair competition when requesting proposals from prospective suppliers by enacting strong governance processes to ensure factual and data-driven supplier selection across our business.​

If you believe your business has been unfairly treated by a Stegra representative, or by one of our partners, please reach out via the whistleblowing function.

Supplier qualification​

All suppliers undergo our screening process, which consists of several steps starting with a pre-qualification form, an in-depth due dilligence scorecard as well as supplier on-site audits when deemed necessary. Stegra has a holistic approach in our assessement process, evaluating a wide range of parameters such as the supplier's financial health, screening against sanctions lists and enviornmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. This is an integrated approach where aspects such as commercial, quality and sustainability are assessed simultaneously. ​

Our aim is to go beyond just closing deals with suppliers, but rather to create value by engaging with suppliers that not only can deliver but who are aligned with our values as a company.​

The supplier qualification process is a four-step process, integrated as part of the procurement process. The steps include: ​

● Pre-qualification questionnaire​

● Due diligence scorecards ​

● On-site assessments with ESG focus​

● Continuous monitoring

Supplier Code of Conduct​

Stegra has a Supplier Code of Conduct that sets out our expectations and requirements for suppliers in areas including human rights, labor conditions, environmental impact and climate change mitigation, as well as ethical business conduct and anti-corruption.

The Supplier Code of Conduct includes Stegra’s expectations for our suppliers to respect and adhere to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.​ ESG screening, as part of the qualification process, has been conducted on all qualified suppliers.​

The Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the principles that guide us in our selection of suppliers.

Supplier invoicing

Certain requirements need to be fulfilled for a supplier invoice to be processed in our system. When submitting an invoice to any of our companies, please ensure the following details are included:

● Company name​

● Address​

● Cost center​

● Name of reference​

● Terms of payment​

● PO number (if applicable)​

If you require full invoicing instructions or have any questions about the information above, please contact your Stegra representative.​

For any additional inquiries related to our finance team, please fill out the form below, and we will get back to you promptly.

Company information:​

Stockholm office sign

Stegra AB

Norra stationsgatan 93A​ | 113 64 Stockholm​ | Company registration number: 559272-3000​

Stegra logo on an exterior wall

Stegra Boden AB​

Teknikvägen 3​ | 961 50 Boden​ | Company registration number: 559305-4918


Stegra Boden Electrolyzer AB​

Teknikvägen 3​ | 961 50 Boden​ | Company registration number: 559308-0756