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Putting safety first, acting ethically and being compliant are all central to our business principles at Stegra. With that comes the responsibility to speak up and report any suspected misconduct. By doing so, we set the foundation for a fair and non-discriminatory work environment, safeguard against criminal and unethical behaviour and protect our own and our stakeholders’ integrity. We expect all those involved to have an open dialogue and raise issues in a transparent manner. You as a notifier will always be protected, regardless of whether you are anonymous or open with your identity.

External service provider

Our whistleblower channel provides all employees and stakeholders of Stegra an opportunity to report crimes and other irregularities in a secure and anonymous way. The whistleblower channels are managed by the external service provider Scutus Solution AB (Scutus) on behalf of and according to the instructions of Stegra. Scutus is the personal data processor and Stegra the personal data controller in the function. 

Legal basis for whistleblower channel: General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016:679, GDPR) and the EU Whistleblower Protection Directive (2f019/1937). 

Reports may concern

● Corruption and financial irregularities 

● Offenses related to health and safety 

● Environmental crime 

● Privacy violations 

Different ways to report misconduct

Option 1: Make a report via the link below (to Scutus)

Option 2: Call Scutus hotline, say “whistleblower” and you will be referred to an investigator. Phone number: +46 8 20 40 00 

Option 3: Send an email to whistleblow@scutus.se 

Option 4: Contact a supervisor or manager within Stegra for guidance. 

You can also schedule a private meeting with an investigator in option 2 and 3. 

Issues related to workplace dissatisfaction

If you as an employee would like to raise issues related to workplace dissatisfaction or such related matters, we encourage you to direct these to your supervisor or manager. If issues concern your manager, these can instead be raised to his or her manager or to a member of the People and Organizational team. These issues shall not be treated as whistleblowing cases.

Whistleblower policy

For further information regarding the whistleblower channel, please see the Stegra Whistleblower policy.

Thank you for your co-operation!